Spud and Robe's Blog!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


So what have we been up to? Well not a TON. We were able to go to LDS night for the Mariners which just meant we got a great discount on tickets and a T-shirt that says "Mariner's LDS Night". It was really fun! The weather was great, we just hopped on the ferry which is free on the way to Seattle, walked a mile or so to the stadium and watched a great game! We also went with some friends Eric and Jenny and their son Silas to see and add to the "Gum Wall". YUCK, but cool. We also went to eat at Ivar's which is one of their favorite restaurants.

Pregnancy update : I'm 25.5 weeks and the little monkey is very active! It's fun to feel the little kicks, punches, and turns and even watch my belly move. The picture here is from a couple of weeks ago so I'll have to take another picture soon!

Feelin' Crafty!

I've been feeling pretty crafty lately as I'm only working part time and have a lot more time on my hands. Plus with a baby on the way we're trying to -pardon my language- budget. Blech. If anyone isn't familiar with Pinterest.com, it's wonderful!! I find tons of DIY and tutorials there and give them a go. Here's the few I've started with:

I found some 12x12 canvases on sale for a SUPER good deal and of course with all of the coupons that you can find for craft stores it was even better! The only thing we (Spencer) had to do was add something on the back so we could hang them up! We then picked out some 12x12 scrapbook paper, spray adhesive, and BAM we found a cheap, nifty decoration for above our mantel!

Maternity clothes are way too expensive, especially if you're only going to wear them for a few months. And let's face it, the options at Goodwill are pretty limited. I am finally past the point where the rubber band trick works on my old pants so I found a tutorial to make my own! These were work pants that I didn't really wear anymore and the band is just an old t-shirt in a pile that was waiting to go to the goodwill! I think they turned out pretty well and I didn't spend a cent!

I LOVE these baby shoes. They were a little difficult and after being away from my sewing machine for a while these were great to kick my booty back into gear. They're a little big, probably 6 months (like I really know) so I decided to modify the pattern for next time make them smaller so Olli (did I tell you that's her name) can wear them when she's teeny tiny.

I made this little outfit to be worn with just a onesie and hopefully a yellow or gray sweater I have yet to find. These are the shoes that I made smaller and the little flower is a pin to go on either the bottom of the skirt or the onesie or the sweater!