Spud and Robe's Blog!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Snowboard bench anyone?

This is how poor college kids get their furniture.

I painted both boards from their awful upbringing full of beatings.
Thats Steve, my signature on my artwork (the Face).
Someday I'll finish the metal bolts and bars but for now its just the way I wanted it.

Birthday Boy!

For Spencer's birthday we went to Red Robin. So fun!

New Years

For New Year's we took our friends Nate and Andrea to my parent's cabin in Bear Lake. We pretty much played games all day and had a blast!

Christmas Morning

Reed makes such a cute Santa Claus!

Yes... this was my stocking.

Thanks Ruth!

Fun times in AZ

We were fortunate enough to make it Arizona for Christmas and had such a fun time. I love spending time with family and the warmer 60 degree weather was a nice change to the negative temperatures we were having here in Rexburg! Spencer's family Chrsitmas party was the weekend before so his mom came up to Idaho Falls for that. Then we went to Mapleton and picked up Hayden and drove the rest of the way.
The first few are of the drive down.

We spent some time with my mom and she took us to dinner at Julio G's. Yummy!

We also went to the Mesa temple to see the Christmas lights. I think this temple and the SLC temple are the only temples to have Christmas lights.

Who needs snowmen?!

Snowmen are so overrated! At Spencer's sisters house in Mapleton, Utah they made the most awesome snow...animals? The colors were a combination of food coloring and spray paint.

Spencer's brother, for some reason, found the desire to kick the head off the penguin and might I add that he nearly broke his foot doing so!


Just a couple pictures. This top one is an actual housen Rexburg and what it looks like with Christmas lights. Super cool huh?

Of course Gingerbread houses with friends
My side...
Spencer's side...

Austin and Mindy

Nate and Andrea

Me and Spencer

Gingerbread houses and Elf. What a good day.

The world of Spencer

I have no words... but in my defense I was sleeping when these were taken and found them on the camera.

I love my husband :)

So this sounds odd but to keep Spencer's attention at church, he has to be doing something. Crossword puzzles, sudoku, drawing, it just helps him focus. A while ago he was doing the following crossword and I looked over and could not stop laughing for about 10 minutes. And in the middle of Sacrament meeting that is hard! Look at 24 down...
Here's his answer...


Last year we weren't able to be with family again on Thanksgiving so we invited Spencer's brother over and some other friends of ours that weren't able to make it home. It was very delicious!