Spud and Robe's Blog!

Friday, January 23, 2009

My favorite You Tubes

Bon Qui Qui was shown to us at work as a what-not-to-do for customer service. We quote it about 50 times a day. Especially "Rude" and Sakurity...SA-kurity. And the Charlie one is just so gosh darn funny I can't stand it. Their faces are too great.

Calling and hair cut

I'm finally posting pictures of my own haircut. I keep getting shorter and shorter and I think I even want to go shorter! We also got our first calling in church here in Rexburg. We are the teachers of the 4 and 5 year old CTR class. Oh my. Great calling for Spencer, I am terrified. Pray for me. I'm sure we'll have many posts to come about this. But in the meantime here's my haircut!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Spencer started school on January 7th and as a result of attening BYU-I had to cut his hair and shave his bear. I was pretty sad to see them go but the outcome wasn't so bad. Here's the before and after:

I bet you were thinking you were going to see Spencer with a nice neat haircut. HA! He came back with a "faux hawk". It's so him isn't it? It's short enough that he can leave it down and it looks pretty normal but spike it up when he's in the mood. He hadn't shaved his beard yet but I'll let you use your imagination for that. I also recently chopped off another few inches of my hair but can't seem to take a good picture so you'll have to wait and see!

Christmas in Bear Lake

I just realized these posts are somewhat a bit out of order but oh well. So for Christmas Eve and day we spent the night at the cabin in Island Park. But the weekend right after Christmas the Piggott family met at our Cabin in Bear Lake. It was so great to have the whole family together, which hasn't happened since our family vacation in May. The cabin is still in the process of being finished but with a full working basement it was nice and cozy.

Ashley and some of Kristen
Spencer and Colby mastering the marshmallow shooter
Ruth and Brennen. That's about right.
Okay a little bit better.
Ashley and Wes
Thoughtful Judd
Preggo Kerilee with her footee pajamas
Breakfast time
JT (Jaders)
Wes and Sharlyn so excited
The Shepherd Family
Big brother Tayson helping Brennen open his gifts
Mom opening her Scentsy candle warmer

Dad's cool new sweater jacket

Apples to Apples, what a great game
The whole Fam Damily "Christmas" morning

Little Maddie

I've had a few pictures and posts about our friends Michelle and Kaulana. Michelle is a good friend that transferred to the bank about a week after I did. Well I'm as proud as an aunt to announce they had their baby! Madelyn Kalea (Kalaya) was born December 15 (their 1 year anniversary) with a head full of black hair! She is so cute and such an easy baby, and of course loves her Aunt Robin!

Catching Up

I realize I haven't updated in a while, and I wish I could say that we've just been too dang busy, but truthfully I've just been too dang lazy! Well we did have a quite a bit happen over the last month or so but laziness was the number one factor. So it's time to catch up!
First Christmas:
Spencer's good friend Dallin and his wife live right down the road from us, and Dallin's family owns a cabin in Island Park which is a cabin town about an hour from us. Since I had to work Christmas Eve and the day after Christmas we went there for a few days! Every Christmas the parents get all the kids matching PJ's and since we were there with them they got some for us too! Christmas Eve we ate fondue, which is their tradition, and had a delicious prime rib Christmas night. Lots of games and food and good times! The best present that day? Our KitchenAid from Spencer's parents!! Thanks a bunch!