Catching Up
I realize I haven't updated in a while, and I wish I could say that we've just been too dang busy, but truthfully I've just been too dang lazy! Well we did have a quite a bit happen over the last month or so but laziness was the number one factor. So it's time to catch up!
First Christmas:
Spencer's good friend Dallin and his wife live right down the road from us, and Dallin's family owns a cabin in Island Park which is a cabin town about an hour from us. Since I had to work Christmas Eve and the day after Christmas we went there for a few days! Every Christmas the parents get all the kids matching PJ's and since we were there with them they got some for us too! Christmas Eve we ate fondue, which is their tradition, and had a delicious prime rib Christmas night. Lots of games and food and good times! The best present that day? Our KitchenAid from Spencer's parents!! Thanks a bunch!

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