Spud and Robe's Blog!

Saturday, September 12, 2009


I know I haven't updated the blog in a while so here's what is going on with us with a few random pictures. I'm still plugging away at my job at Wells Fargo as a lead teller. We have such a high turnover rate that I am now the senior most teller at our bank. I work hard but I enjoy most of the work and the people I work with so it's okay. Spencer's job at the paint shop at BYU-I ended as he is now off track and you have to be enrolled full time if you want to work there so for his break he found an internship with a local construction company. He just started this week so we'll see if he likes it. We've spent a couple of weekends at my parents cabin or as I've recently heard my sister call it, they're "lodge".

We spent a few days in Arizona for one of Spencer's best friends wedding. It was nice to get away but I'm realizing how much Rexburg is growing on me. Our good friends Michelle and Kaulana and their little girl Maddie moved back to Rexburg so we're happy to have more friends around! I got my sewing machine out and finished some pillows for our couches from material I bought back in January and also a purse from material I got back in March. I think they turned out pretty cute.

I've also recently been introduced to http://www.peopleofwalmart.com/. Hilarious but there is some profanity and some disturbing pictures so view with caution!
Oh and college football has started so I'm hearing more ESPN and seeing less of Spencer.