Spud and Robe's Blog!

Thursday, January 6, 2011


I wanted to post while this is fresh in my mind, I've finally figured out my new years resolution for 2011. It sounds simple but can be a little challenging. "Find the silver lining." Bad things happen to everyone but there's usually so many more positive things that can get pushed to the side so my goal for this whole year is to find the silver lining with every challenge that comes our/my way. Here's the latest example. As you know we spent the past 5 months in Washington for Spencer's job. We were planning to stay there through Christmas and come back to Rexburg just in time for school so we could save as much money as possible. Well Spencer's brother Hayden decided to get married the week before Christmas so our plans changed. We decided to pack up our stuff, stop one night in Rexburg to drop off said stuff and then head to the Orem area until our flight 4 days later. Well on the day of our flight I woke up at 6 am throwing up! How could this be?? I couldn't even walk to the bathroom let alone walk through the airport with luggage and spend 2 hours on a plane. The whole day was awful throwing up every few hours, the last time actually on the way to the airport. So when my husband and brother in law decided to ask for a wheelchair I thought, why not? Here's the situation, now let me paint a picture of my appearance. Earlier in the day I tried to take a shower but ended up laying on the floor not even shampooing my hair. And not even bothering to comb it when I got out so it was matted to my head, snarled and greasy. And I was so dehydrated that my muscles and tendons in my hands and wrists locked up so I was left with misshapen claws. Anyway LONG story short I got pushed through the airport by an employee that pushed us straight the front of the long security line, we were able to skip the new fancy security machine and use the old walk through kind, pushed all the way to our gate, checked in, got a pre-board ticket and had a wheelchair waiting for me on the other side. We arrived in AZ and I was only out of commission for one other day. Silver lining: we made it through the airport in no time flat, got pre-boarded which is great considering I forgot to check us in prior and may have been left behind and I was able to enjoy the full 2 and a weeks in Arizona with my family and friends. One more quick example for those of you still reading this long-winded story. I'm now recovering from a nasty cold. Silver lining: it came after I was able to help unpack and put our apartment back in order. It came after I interviewed for a job. And I'm finally getting over it before starting said job tomorrow! Anyway ... just wanted to share that with you all, hope you've all figured out your resolutions and are sticking with them!