We're Here!

We've made it back to Washington! And we just got our internet hooked up and it is FAR better than the connection we had in Idaho so I'm keeping my promise is updating my blog! Let's see... what has happened since I blogged last? Well how about just a few key updates. We found out we're having a girl! We had our ultrasound on July 12th and the ultrasound tech said she was perfect! Her size is great, in the 40th percentile which I am definitely okay with, and all of her insides look great! My due date is staying the same which is November 27th. The weekend after the 4th we went to an awesome family reunion for the Hopkinson side, which is my moms. The reunion was in Bear Lake at my parents cabin and we had such a blast! A select few of us rafted the snake river which was fun but TERRIFYING! But eh what's a few near death experiences huh? We played at the beach and had a fun day at the park with food and games. And for those of you who don't know or skipped the first line of the post we have moved back to Washington. Spencer is working on the same base as before but with a different program and he signed a contract for 3 years! Such great news especially when you hear about the struggles of the unemployed. He still has one more semester to complete next January-April when he will graduate but then we'll be BACK to Washington for good and I can't wait. Moving stinks. Right before we left my good friend Kyrie Anderson threw me an awesome baby shower. It was a little soon in the pregnancy but I don't know too many people in Washington and it was a combination good bye party. Loads of Spencer's family came, some of my family and great friends. We decorated onesies which turns out super cute and a few people wrote some advice to me in a scrapbook. And we got some great gifts. Thanks everyone! Well hopefully more will come but for now I'm signing off!