I really did try!
So over the past few months I really did try to update out blog but our apartment has a new service provider for our internet and it is SO finicky that it takes FOREVER to upload pictures and I end up giving up. So I figure I can at least tell you what we're up to and hopefully pictures will come later.
We've made it back to Rexburg in our old apartment. I'm still with Wells Fargo although there were no position in the Rexburg branch so I drive to Idaho Falls every day. It's about 35 minutes but I've recently started listening to audio books and it really makes the drive seem shorter. Spencer is still trucking away at school. Our nights often sound like this "I don't want to read, you read. No, I'm not going to school, you need to know this stuff, you do your reading. No you do it and go to school I'll go to work and count money." etc.... I know it's getting hard on him but he is such a hard worker and the end is in sight! We're still waiting on his official contract and job offer (he accepted the verbal offer last year) from his government job in Washington but we're still relieved that we have somewhat of a plan for after school.
We had a bittersweet weekend when Spencer's family came into town for his Grandma Denning's funeral. It was a sad but good thing, she has been in pain for a while and is now in a happier place. We were able to celebrate a few birthdays while the family was in town and although it was a quick trip, it was fun.
We've managed to make it down to Utah a few times to see family and friends and to my parents cabin for a fun weekend. We also had a fun trip to Las Vegas with Spencer brother Hayden and his wife Megan who we just love.
And..... WE'RE PREGNANT!! It's been a hard few years with 3 miscarriages but this one feels really good. And I say that because I do NOT feel good :). I've never really felt any nausea or morning sickness with the other pregnancies but man this time I feel it! We're 10 weeks along which is the farthest we've been and our 8 1/2 week ultra sound looked good! Our due date is the end of November so we still have a long way to go but it looks good. Thanks to all our family and friends who prayed for us, we know it helped! I promise I will try to post some pictures, hope everyone is well!