Thursday, February 18, 2010
Fun times in AZ
We were fortunate enough to make it Arizona for Christmas and had such a fun time. I love spending time with family and the warmer 60 degree weather was a nice change to the negative temperatures we were having here in Rexburg! Spencer's family Chrsitmas party was the weekend before so his mom came up to Idaho Falls for that. Then we went to Mapleton and picked up Hayden and drove the rest of the way.
The first few are of the drive down.
Who needs snowmen?!
I love my husband :)
So this sounds odd but to keep Spencer's attention at church, he has to be doing something. Crossword puzzles, sudoku, drawing, it just helps him focus. A while ago he was doing the following crossword and I looked over and could not stop laughing for about 10 minutes. And in the middle of Sacrament meeting that is hard! Look at 24 down...